Shoe Tips

How to Properly Care for Your Suede Shoes

Do you own any suede shoes? If so, you may have noticed that they can develop stains, debris, and odors after extended use. Many people believe that suede shoes are difficult to clean and maintain. Cleaning suede shoes is not as difficult as it may appear with a little time and the right supplies. So, how to properly clean clean suede shoes? If your shoes have sustained scuffs, gotten wet, or exposed to mud or dirt, keep reading to return them to their former glory.

What exactly is suede?

Suede is a leather fabric with a napped finish that makes it feel velvety to the touch. Because of its softness and flexibility, it is frequently used in clothing and footwear. While suede is delicate, it can clean at home with the right supplies and techniques.

how to properly clean suede shoes

What causes suede to smell after a while?

Suede is a popular material for footwear, clothing, and accessories. However, after a while, it may begin to smell musty. Here’s why suede stinks and how to get rid of it.

Suede is porous because it is made from the underside of an animal’s skin. This increases the likelihood of it absorbing moisture, sweat, and dirt. All of this can cause bacterial overgrowth, which creates unpleasant odors.

The good news is that suede is easy to clean. Begin by removing any surface dirt or debris with a soft brush or cloth. Use mild soap or detergent to spot clean afterward. Finally, before wearing or using your suede item again, let it air dry completely.

How to properly clean suede shoes

Using rubbing alcohol

Look no further than your medicine cabinet for an easy way to clean your suede shoes. Rubbing alcohol is a gentle cleaner that will not harm the suede material. Pour a small amount onto a clean cloth and rub it in a circular motion into the stained area. The dirt and grime will begin to lift away immediately. After you’ve removed as much dirt as possible, buff the area dry with a second cloth. Your shoes will look brand new!

Using vinegar

If your suede shoes have become dull, you can clean them with vinegar to restore their luster. A bowl of warm water and some white vinegar are all you need. Wring out a damp, not wet, soft cloth from the mixture. Rub the cloth gently over the entire surface of the shoe. Allow the shoes to air dry after you’ve finished cleaning them.

Using suede eraser

Don’t reach for the shoe polish just yet if your suede shoes need a makeover. They are simple to clean at home with a few household items. You only need a suede eraser, which found at most drugstores or online. If you follow these steps, your shoes will look brand new.

Suede is softer and more delicate than other types of leather, so it must need special care to clean. Avoid getting your suede shoes wet, as this can cause staining or mildew. You can dry your wet suede shoes by stuffing them with newspaper.

A suede eraser is a simple way to help remove stains from your shoes. To begin, use a soft-bristled brush to clean away dirt from your shoes. Then, in a circular motion, rub the eraser over the affected areas. Rub your shoes over the affected area until the dirt or stain lifts. A toothbrush can use to remove any stubborn dirt or stains. After that, brush the shoes again to restore their nap.

If your shoes are particularly filthy, you may need to repeat the process several times. However, with a little elbow grease, your suede shoes will be as good as new in no time.

The following are different stain treatment methods that often met in life:

how to properly clean suede shoes

How to remove stain from suede shoes

Water stain

Gently apply a coat of water across the entire shoe. Then, you’ll use either a cloth or a sponge to absorb excess water. The goal here is to have the shoe evenly wet throughout.

Then, you’ll want to stick paper in your shoe to help absorb the water and maintain the shape.

Allow your shoes to air dry in a well-ventilated spot. Once they are completely dry, brush lightly with a suede brush.

Oil stain

Using a nail brush, you can scrub a stain away, using warm water for the more stubborn stains. If the oil has yet to dry, you can sprinkle some cornstarch on the stain and allow it to sit overnight.

Mud stain

It’s important to allow the mud to dry, but in the meantime, gently wipe away the excess mud. Refrain from using too much pressure as this can damage your shoes.

Once the mud has dried and hardened on your shoes, it should be easier to break off larger pieces by hand. As for the mud that remains, use a suede brush to break it up and brush it away.

While there are numerous cleaning products available, some methods can damage your suede shoes. Consider purchasing a suede cleaning kit to ensure that you are using appropriate supplies on your shoes.

how to properly clean suede shoes

What is the best suede cleaning kit?

When it comes to suede shoes, you want to make sure you’re taking proper care of them. You don’t want to damage the delicate fabric. So, how should you clean your suede shoes?

You’ll need a few things to properly clean your suede shoes. To begin, you’ll need a soft brush. This will aid in the removal of any dirt or debris from the shoe’s surface. Then you’ll need a suede-specific cleaning solution. Finally, you’ll need a cloth to wipe away the cleaner when you finish. You don’t want to use any old cleaner because it could harm the material. With these three items, you can begin cleaning your suede shoes.

how to properly clean suede shoes

What will ruin suede?

Suede is a type of leather derived from the underside of an animal’s skin. It is softer and finer than other types of leather. Water, dirt, and stains can all ruin suede.

Water causes the suede to shrink and harden. Dirt will discolor and dull the suede. Stains will penetrate and be difficult to remove from suede.

Also, you must avoid any vigorous rubbing, or the soft hairs can become brittle and rip from the shoe. So, don’t put suede shoes into washing machine! It is important to know what kind of shoes can be used washing machine.

To remove dirt and debris, use a soft brush. If your shoes get wet, place them in a cool, dry place to dry.

Now that we’ve covered what you can do to return your shoes to their former glory, let’s go over some frequently asked questions.

How to properly clean suede shoes FAQs

  1. How can you keep your suede shoes from stinking?

Suede shoes are a classic wardrobe piece but can be difficult to maintain. If your suede shoes are starting to smell, there are a few quick fixes.

To begin, sprinkle some baking soda inside the shoes. Allow the baking soda to sit overnight before vacuuming it up in the morning.

If your shoes continue to stink, you may need to thoroughly clean them. First, use a soft-bristled brush and clear away any dirt from your suede shoes Then, using a sponge, wipe down the shoes with a solution of water and vinegar. Before wearing your shoes, allow them to dry out completely.

  1. Do you clean faux suede the same as real suede?

Cleaning faux suede is not the same as cleaning real suede. When cleaning faux suede, you should use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris. Lint rollers are excellent for removing any excess fuzz.

If your faux suede is looking dull, you can use vinegar and water solution to brighten it up. Real suede should only be cleaned with a soft-bristled brush as well.

If your real suede shoes look dull, you can use a special leather conditioner to restore the shine.

  1. Does water ruin suede?

This is a little bit of a double-edged sword. Typically, water does not ruin suede, but this is only true if you truly care for your suede properly. Fortunately, the proper way to dry suede shoes is rather simple if you’re willing to set aside some time.

First, it’s important to allow your shoes to dry out in the open air rather than relying on sunlight or a direct heat source to speed up the process. It will take time, be patient.

If your shoes happen to get soaking wet, you may want to stuff your shoes with newspaper or something similar that will mimic the general shape of your foot. The risk that comes with using newspaper is that the ink may bleed depending on how wet your shoes are. Odds are that any potential stains will stay on the inside of the shoe, but it is something to be aware of.

Gently brush away loose mud or dirt but prevent scrubbing your shoes before they are completely dry as this can damage the shoe.

Once the shoes are dry, use a suede brush to bring the original soft texture back. What happens if you get suede shoes wet? If suede shoes do not properly take care of after getting wet, there’s a chance that they will damage.

  1. Can suede shoes be worn in the rain?

The rain does not have to ruin your look. You can wear your suede shoes even when it’s raining outside if you take a few extra precautions. Here’s what you need to do to keep your shoes in good condition:

Apply a water-repellent spray to your shoes before venturing out in the rain. This will help repel water and keep stains at bay.

If your shoes get wet, stuff them with newspaper to soak up the moisture. Then, allow them to dry naturally. Wet shoes should never place near a heat source, as this can cause the leather to warp. When they’re dry, use a soft-bristled brush to reposition the suede nap.

  1. Can suede shoes be washed in the washing machine?

If your suede shoes are beginning to show signs of wear, you may be wondering if you can wash them in the washing machine. The short answer is no – never wash suede shoes in the washing machine.

Suede is a delicate material that must need special care. The best way to clean suede shoes is to spot-clean them as needed with a soft brush or cloth. You can also use a suede cleaner available at most shoe stores.

If your shoes are particularly filthy, a professional shoe cleaner can have them cleaned. They will have the necessary tools and knowledge to clean your shoes safely and without causing damage to them.

  1. How to fix discoloration in suede shoes?

Discoloration on suede shoes is often caused by water damage, dirt, or even sunlight.

First, start by brushing the shoes with a soft-bristled brush. This will break down any dirt that may be causing the discoloration.

If the problem persists, try using a suede eraser. Gently rub the eraser over the affected area until the color starts to change.

If you can’t seem to properly clean your suede, take them to

a professional cleaner. They will have the tools and experience necessary to make your shoes look new again.

  1. How do you store suede shoes?

Keep the shoes somewhere where they will not be exposed to direct sunlight as they could fade. So long as they’re dry and away from any heaters, they can simply be stored in quality shoe bags.

Now you know how to clean suede shoes, and we prepare some ways for you to clean your white shoes too! To Try your best to keep your shoes great, you can also check how to fix the shoe creases.

How to properly clean suede shoes conclusion

Suede shoes require special care, particularly when cleaning. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use suede-safe products. Now that you know how to clean suede shoes properly try one of the methods listed above on a pair of your own.

Do you have any suggestions for caring for suede shoes? Please leave a comment!

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