Shoe Tips

What Should I Look for When Buying Sandals

Sandals are most frequently seen in summer, but they can also be worn in fashion when it’s not summer. Sandals range from flip flops to high heels and generally cover any footwear that shows large areas of your feet. Fun and fashionable as they are, getting suitable sandals is tricky. That is because many factors come into play when buying a pair of right sandals. We’ll address some of those factors about buying sandals below. In the end, you’ll know what kind of sandals suitable for you. What should you look for when buying sandals, and more.

Buying Sandals

What should you look for when buying sandals

The occasion

Even if it’s summer, there are still days you’ll have to go to work. You can also go clubbing or for a summer walk around the city. While flip-flops may be perfect for pool time, they’ll be inappropriate for work. Therefore, you must first consider what you want to use the sandals for. Once you know that, following the remaining factors to consider becomes easier.

What catches your eyes

Everybody wants to buy only something they like. If you don’t think a pair of sandals is beautiful, why would you want to buy them? We are different, and everyone has their taste and preferences in everything. So go for what attracts you. Besides, if you love something so much, you’d incline yourself to take good care of it.

The height, width and cushioning of the heels

The higher the heels of a pair of sandals, the more office-appropriate they are. You can comfortably wear a pair of sandals with high heels to work. Meanwhile, those with lower ( or flatter ) heels are perfect for more casual activities like shopping, strolling, and visiting friends. Also, some sandals have thicker heels than others. While you can wear the thicker-heeled sandals for everyday activities, the thinner ones are great for a formal setting.

Furthermore, you can avoid heel injuries with heel cushioning. It’s hard to find sandals with the right heel cushioning, but they are a blessing. Although they are more expensive than usual, go for them if you can afford them. Don’t settle for less. [MUST READ: The Best Way to Measure the Height of Heels]

Buying Sandals

The shoe closing

Generally, sandals show large areas of the feet. However, some show it less than others. An example of such sandals is closed-toe sandals. As you may have guessed from the name, closed-toe sandals cover most areas around the toe. That gives it a more formal look than the standard type of sandals. Therefore, go for the closed-toe sandals if you’re looking for something more formal.

The fitting

  • Sole: It’s common to see people with sandals whose soles bend to one side. Indeed it can be a result of pronation. However, it could also be a result of the wrong sole. To avoid such a situation, examine the sole of the sandals when next you’re buying one. You want to ensure that the sandal’s sole matches your foot shape in length and width. Short, your toes will stick out; not wide enough, and you won’t have proper support. Generally, a thick sole with a low heel is best if you want foot protection.
  • Shoe length: Have you ever seen someone with their toes protruding from their sandals? If you have, you’d agree it’s not a great look. It’s unfashionable and unattractive; though people won’t let you know that, they’re thinking it. That’s what happens when you wear sandals that are smaller in length for your feet. You’d have to buy a new one to avoid severe foot injury. The same goes for sandals that are longer than your feet.
  • Adjustable straps: Adjustable straps are essential for your comfort in sandals. It helps you keep your feet as tightly as you want them in the sandals. That feels good and boosts your confidence when you walk in your pair. Even as the sandal material weakens with time, you can adjust the straps to give you optimal stability.

Arch support

The overall quality of a sandal affects the quality of arch support you get. It would help to look for a sandal that holds you firmly when you stand in them. That is especially important for people who wear sandals daily or every other day.

Combining the factors above, you are sure of the perfect sandals. Some of them would still apply had it been the question, “ what should I look for when buying walking shoes?”. Although we have our preferences, some sandals are generally the best. You also need to know when your sandals will wear to get a new pair.

Buying Sandals

What kind of sandals are best for your feet?

Remember, we saw straps, arch support, and heel height and width. Ideal sandals should not have a high heel. In addition, the sandals must have adjustable straps that cover the ankle and passes over the forefoot. Lastly, the sandals must give you good arch support. Your feet must align with the rest of your body when you wear excellent sandals.

How do I know if my sandals are worn out?

  • They have holes and tears that a cobbler can’t fix.
  • They wobble on a flat surface.
  • The material has become too soft and weak.
  • They’re too ‘bendy.’
  • You think they are worn out.
Buying Sandals

What should I look for when buying sandals FAQS

How often should you replace your sandals?

Replace them every 8-12 months or when they are worn out.

How many pairs of sandals should you own?

If you can afford it, own as many pairs as there are days in the week.

What kind of sandals are best for a casual work setting?

Low and thin-heeled sandals

How do you know when your sandals heels have proper cushioning?

They have correct cushioning if they give in when your press them with your fingers

What do I do? My sandals are undersized.

Get a new one if you care for your feet’s health.

Hopefully, you enjoyed reading through this article. You now know what you should look for next time you buy a pair of sandals. Remember to hop into the comment section and leave a thought. Thank you!

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